The graphical LCD has a 128×64 resolution and can be used to display monochrome images, custom texts in different fonts etc. Graphical LCD uses two ports, J41 and J42. By default, we can connect it to J43 (Port D) and J44 (Port A).
The switch SW2 should be turned ON to use the Graphical LCD.
Graphical LCD section in OpenLab
Pin arrangement
GLCD1 – Control Port
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Pin Name |
EN |
R/W |
RS |
CS1 |
CS2 |
NC |
NC |
EN – LCD Enable bit
R/W – Read/ Write bit. High for Read and low for Write
RS – Register Select bit
CS1, CS2 – Chip select bits of internal controller
RST – Reset
NC – No connection
GLCD2 – Data Port
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Pin Name |
DB0 |
DB1 |
DB2 |
DB3 |
DB4 |
DB5 |
DB6 |
DB7 |
DB0-DB7: LCD Data Port
How to Use Graphical LCD in OpenLab
- Connect J42 (GLCD1) to J44 (Port A) or any other available port. Please note that first six pins are needed to operate GLCD
- Connect J41 (GLCD2) to J43 (Port D) or any other available port. It uses all the 8 pins of that port. So you can use Port D/Port B for this purpose.
- Switch ON the SW2 switch to turn ON the section.
- Define the used ports as output
Graphics LCD libraries for 128×64 resolution are available on this link. You can use this for advanced usage: